Monday, April 18, 2011

International Day @ BUE

Yesterday I went with my elder sister to her college to attend an event organised there..the international day .
It was really cool and I enjoyed my time, despite the fact the college was only opened 6 years ago I really think they reached a pretty good level especially in the last semester .
We arrived late ( overslept ) and actually thought about not going at all, it was so freackin' hot out there but decided to go after all . Sadly there was a marathon at the beginning of the day but we missed it because we didn't even know, I love participating in those stuff and if I knew i would surely be there plus there were only 4 females racing so getting a medal was guaranteed :D .
We got in while the palestinian dabke was on which was my favorite part, I loved the dancing and I'm a big fan of their music too .
I got lots of books from there, mostly free or after answering a few questions about a country, I tried Indian food for the first time and I loved it and most importantly I rode a camel, yes a camel in the middle of the college :D .
It was over all a very good day, despite the heat but at least we broke the boring routine of life and I met new people which is considered one of my greatest pleasures in life .

Saturday, April 16, 2011

First Post

This is my first post here .. I don't really know what to write .. you can visit the About me page to know more about me , I'm not an expert in anything whatsoever but I've alot of interests : Art, Music ,Politics, Sports and life in general and I'll write about all this in here .
I guess that's it , I'll come back later and I wish you ( whoever is reading ) will like the blog . thank you for passing by .

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